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The 7th District Association of Masonic Lodges in Manhattan

Brethren, Family and Friends,


There are times when some of us find ourselves in a time of need and need a helping hand. Whether that is in a time of financial distress or in the midst of a great tragedy.


If you ever find yourselves in a time of great distress, Jospeh Warren-Gothic Lodge is here for our Brethren and their families. To ensure that we are always able to lend a helping hand, we ask you to click donate below. Your small gesture will help expand our assistance to our supported charities, our children's programs such as DeMolay or Rainbow girls or to a Brother in great distress. 


To see that your generous donation goes to the program you wish, please include special instructions when donating through our webpage. 


We thank you in advance for your kindness and charity. We must always remember, "Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins." (1 Peter 4:8)


May the blessings of heaven rest upon us all.



Seventh District Foundation

The Seventh District Association is a philanthropic group of five Masonic Lodges located in Manhattan, New York, that supports many different charitable organizations. Our various beneficiaries provide services to indigent as well as physically and mentally disadvantaged youngsters.

Annually, we provide well over $350,000 to those in need. In the year 2009, the Seventh District Association was once again the leader in contributions to the Masonic Brotherhood Fund statewide; we continually seek creative activities coming from our Lodges and members to be able to do more. The economic stress we all are encountering will be overcome.

Programs such as our new Scholarship Initiative enable us to make charity a two-way street. We can invest in the education of Brother Masons, their wives, children, nephews and nieces, thus building future supporters of our Association and community.


For more information about how you can help go to:


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